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Re: Applet security (was Re: ActiveX security hole reported).

On Aug 30,  9:38, Alireza Bahreman wrote:
> Subject: Re: Applet security (was Re: ActiveX security hole reported).
>1) The class file is extended to include the object signature block.  No other 
>   enveloping mechanis is used.  See http://eco.eit.com/solidoak/

Understood - I lean toward a MIME based mechanism though....

>2) Actually, it is based on RFC-1847 and nothing prevents S/MIME being used to 
>   provide the MIME security.  If you are interested, please view:
>        http://eco.eit.com/mapplet/

:-) I would prefer a complete 1847 or MOSS over S/MIME which doens't do 

>3) You are right.  Using SSL requires trust in the server AND that no one has 
>   managed to spoof the server using man in the middle kind of an attack.

:-) Read my msgref again, ment to say "in"complete. You seem to'v got the drift 

[ psr ]
